Thursday, November 10, 2016

PE Reflection + Revised PE Plan (頑張ります!)


It has already been さんかげつ since the start of my 日本語の挑戦. 時間が本当に早いですね。Below are some reflections I have on the progress I've made on my pronunciation and speaking goals and how I hope to get even closer to achieving my goals:

Progress Made on Goals:

Accuracy of Pitch and Intonation
While I believe overall phrase-level intonations have improved, pitch is an area where I still struggle (i.e. the Prosody Listening Exercises) especially at the word-level.

Over time, based on my own reflection and on feedback from しばたせんせい, issues with awkward, wrong pauses and rushing are an area where I seem to improved significantly and the speed of my speaking is generally more natural. I still do, however, tend to miss or create pauses when speaking and not confident.

The volume at which I speak has definitely improved, which is a good sign in terms of confidence and I believe I've been willing to be confident and stretch the use of my Japanese (i.e. use of new vocab). However, when in actual, non-guided conversation situations, my confidence in speech is still shaky. Before, even when practicing based on examples, I felt very unsure about whether I'm actually saying certain words or phrases I naturally and accurately (i.e. ございます). Now using OJAD and other resources, I don't feel that way as much.

Listening Abilities 
To become a better speaker, I need to be good at picking up on what the correct pronunciation is. I have definitely improved (reflected in my test vs. midterm listening sections) in identifying parts like voiced consonants. However, I believe I'm still to slow in processing what I've listened to.

[Revised] Activities for Improved PE:

Production Practice
  • Create a weekly phrase list of じゅ for shadowing (daily listening of example and practice before bed)
  • Refer to OJAD for accuracy in tandem with weekly phrase list practice
  • Do Nakama-related exercises 

Speaking Opportunities
  • Practice with Japanese friends over meals (光田さんしゅんさんありがとございます)
  • Continue to attend the Japanese language table weekly
  • Attend せんせえ's office hours with more of a focus on conversation and more practice.

    Perception and Mimicking Practice
    • Keep up with a new anime/ドラマ and re-watch favorites (i.e. 鋼の錬金術師, 人狼, 旦那が何を言っているかわからない件). Become familiar with rhythm and intonation. Choose a scene with common phrase or interesting meaning to shadow. Select for PE exercises.
    • Be more committed to listening to a Japanese vocab song per day.

    Japanese Vocabulary Songs Playlist


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