Tonight's homework assignment is to briefly introduce myself in hiragana. So here it goes:
私の名前(なまえ)はイアンキムです。にじゅ歳(とし)です。私はアメリカのシカゴ からきました。私はプリンストン大学の二年せえです。専攻(せんこう)は国際関係(こくさいかけい)です。私は日本語の初心者(しょしんしゃ)です。でも日本語を学(がく)びますのを楽(らく)しみにしています。
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ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that in terms of typing at least, your Japanese is amazing!! How do you know so much kanji? Is it just prior knowledge or stuff that you've actively looked up and studied along the way?
I like how you post on your blog when you feel like it, not just because there is a blog assignment that is due. You really are making the most out of this resource, and it's inspiring me to utilize more often as well!
ReplyDeleteAlthough it was by chance, it was a pleasant surprise to see you in the classroom! Coming from similar backgrounds into the class, I'm excited to see how we stand at the end of the year and into Japanese 2. Your blog posts are also super interesting! Thanks for all of the cool videos and other content. どうぞよろしくお願いします〜