Thursday, October 13, 2016

毎週(まいしゅう) けいかく: 二番目週(にばんめしゅう))


Below is my second "study plan of the week" for improving in PE and Japanese in general. すみません, parts of the study guide are in 韓国語 because it helps me understand more easily as the languages are similar. I will also try to record an extra conversation style PE over the weekend with a 友達:

Week of 12OCT16

Weekly Vocab/Phrases
Fun, interesting = おもしろい
Are Similar/비슷하다 = 似ています
teach = おしえます
Learn Actively (まなびます) vs Learn Passively (ならいます)
かぞくかんけいのたんご (i.e. 岡さん、おとさん、etc.)

My own family

1.家族かぞくkazokuFamily / Family Members
4.伯父おじojiUncle (Older than Parent)
5.叔父おじojiUncle (Younger than Parent)
6.伯母おばobaAunt (Older than Parent)
7.叔母おばobaAunt (Younger than Parent)
11.兄弟きょうだいkyoudaiSiblings / Brothers
13.あにaniOlder Brother
14.あねaneOlder Sister
15.おとうとotoutoYounger Brother
16.いもうとimoutoYounger Sister
17.夫婦ふうふfuufuMarried Couple / Husband and Wife
22.従兄弟いとこitokoCousin (Male)
23.従姉妹いとこitokoCousin (Female)
30.義理の兄ぎりのあにgiri no aniBrother-in-law (older than you)
31.義理の弟ぎりのおとうとgiri no otoutoBrother-in-law (younger than you)
32.義理の息子ぎりのむすこgiri no musukoSon-in-law
33.義理の~ぎりの~giri no ~~-in-law

Someone's family
1.ご家族ごかぞくgo kazokuSomeone's Family / Family Members
2.お爺さんおじいさんojii sanGrandfather / Old Man
3.お婆さんおばあさんobaa sanGrandmother / Old Woman
4.伯父さんおじさんoji sanUncle (Older than Parent)
5.叔父さんおじさんoji sanUncle (Younger than Parent)
6.伯母さんおばさんoba sanAunt (Older than Parent)
7.叔母さんおばさんoba sanAunt (Younger than Parent)
8.ご両親ごりょうしんgo ryoushinParents
9.お父さんおとうさんotou sanFather
10.お母さんおかあさんokaa sanMother
11.ご兄弟ごきょうだいgo kyoudaiSiblings
12.お兄さんおにいさんonii sanOlder Brother
13.お姉さんおねえさんonee sanOlder Sister
14.弟さんおとうとさんotouto sanYounger Brother
15.妹さんいもうとさんimouto sanYounger Sister
16.ご夫婦ごふうふgo fuufuMarried Couple / Husband and Wife
17.ご主人ごしゅじんgo shujinHusband
19.お子さんおこさんoko sanChildren
20.息子さんむすこさんmusuko sanSon
21.お嬢さんおじょうさんojou sanDaughter
22.お孫さんおまごさんomago sanGrandchild

How do you ask for directions and answer direction questions?


Learn Actively vs Learn Passively?

Weekly Particle
ので vs から
  • ので = more polite から (a.k.a more formal because)

Weekly Grammar Rule

  • How to use AよりB
  • Ways to say "and"/connect words in Japanese
    • と for nouns
      • ...but や is used when there is a variable/unknown length like 
        • "キーボードやマウス、それにLANケーブルとかもいるかも"
        • (we need) keyboard, mouse and probably LAN cables also.
    • ~て is used with the て replacing parts of word that is not root
      • avoid the complexity of using the te-form by making independent sentences. You can use それから between the new sentences from split original sentence.
    • ~たり is used to connect two verbs and is used in the sense of giving examples
    • ~くて is used to connect to adjectives
    • ~し is used to connect two adjectives, with exclusive positive or negative senses
    •  ~かつ~ = plus ..../not only... /but also ...
    • たり= 나열하여 서술할 때 쓰는 말: 혹은…, 혹은…; 또는…, 또는…; …고, …고.…거나; …든지.

Music Playlist (memorable song and lines to shadow)
つばさ(Anime Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu Theme)

Anime/Film/Drama of the Weekend (memorable words & lines to shadow)
All About My Siblings 若者たち episode 1
*すみません、I did not find time to watch last week so this is a repeat

Questions of the week?
What are some titles for people besides せんせいと先輩? (i.e. professor, boss, etc.)

Referring to self
  • わたし = I 
  • あたし =  female I
  • おれ = informal male I
  • ぼく = male 'me'
  • わたくし = extremely formal I
  • わし = what old people call themselves
  • じぶん = insistent, expressive, "내 자신은 이렇게, 자기주장 표현할때" I

Referring to others
  • ~さま is equal to ~님 (i.e. when someone hands you your purchase at department store they may say "キムサマ here is your 'somthing'")
  • ~くん can be used for young boy, for boyfriend or between co-workers, close friends
  • ~たん is used by young children as variation of さん.
  • っち = young people's colloquial 
  • おまえ = you
  • あなた = you
  • あんた = informal you used by females
  • おなた = 당신
  • しゃちょう = 사장님/your boss
  • [Interesting fact] さん can be added behind name of company that is your client
What is the difference between れい, まる and ゼロ?

  • れい = more formal, used for exceptions like temperature
  • まる = colloquial
  • ゼロ = common use


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