Thursday, November 3, 2016



きょう、私はアジアのスーパーに行きます。 スーパーでにほんのおかしを買います。Below are some of the にほんのおかし I bought:

カステラ: A castilla can be a soft, sponge-like snack. My favorite kind are the Nagasaki castilla. However, the スーパー sold castilla are dry and overly sweet and sticky
点(てん): 3/5

クレヨンしんちゃんのおかし: A childhood favorite of mine. The crunchiness and chocolate cream are great. I wish they put more of it in the box though.
点(てん): 4/5

もち: Great to chew in terms of the texture and a pleasure to bite into the red bean paste core. Must I say more.
点(てん): 5/5

まっちゃのエリーゼ: The green tea wafers don't taste that must different from ordinary wafers. They are still a good snack to go with a warm drink or to be devoured by the box.
点(てん): 4/5

Pocky: Easy-eating, sweet and highly addictive. That's all I have to say.
点(てん): 5/5

ゼリー: The jellies are shaped in cute and honestly remarkable shapes of foods such as hamburgers. But they also feel really unhealthy and after a couple they can get a little tiring.
点(てん): 3/5

まっちゃのキットカット: I always make sure to buy and bring back packs of my favorite snacks from countries I visit. When visiting the Philippines, its dried mangoes. When visiting China, it's grain puffs. When visiting Japan, it's the green tea KitKat. The crunchy, but not overly heavy, delivery of chocolate and green tea is so very good.
点(てん): 5/5

まっちゃのオレオ: I have never actually come across green tea Oreos before so I had to try them. However, I've also never enjoyed Oreos too much (though the green tea cream did make it less stuffy/dry and more refreshing than usual).
点(てん): 2/5

...if you're interested in snacks like the above (but don't have the time or means to drive to Edison or Fort Lee or Palisades Park)... solution is to sign up to a monthly Japanese snack box delivery service like (which delivers a box of Japanese snacks to your doorstep each month for $10/month)



  1. イアンキムさんはじめまして!

  2. 初めまして。どうぞ宜よろしく。わたしもこの中でポッキーとキットカットを一番すきです。きのこの山とハッピーターンにも挑戦してやってみます。今後こんごもよろしく。
